Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

2009 started off well with a party at the Terry's house!  We had dinner first - another very tasty success by Michelle!  I made emapanda-like-thingies for appetizers and fortunately they were a big hit!  I was a little worried since I just kinda made up the recipe.  Amy and I taste-tested some first batches and decided what needed to be added to make them better.  They turned out quite well in the end!  I almost left the party right after midnight but got talked into staying (they didn't exactly have to twist my arm) and we ended up staying up until almost 4.  Towards the end of the night we were sitting around the fire pit outside, just chatting about random topics - like social networking or listening to Nathan prodding people about their pro-choice/pro-life positions.  This morning we had breakfast (yet another wonderful Terry-provided meal) and sat around chatting some more.  There were lots of new year jokes that made for a fun time... "That's the creepiest thing that's been said all year!"... and the like.  All in all, a great way to start the New Year. :)  Happy 2009!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Happy New Year!!!