Saturday, October 31, 2009

Update: Bucket List

Bungy jumping... Check!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Homeward Bound

Wow! Has it been two weeks already?!?! I'm in the Sydney airport awaiting my flight to LAX. By this time in the States, I will have been in the States for over an hour. Weird, huh? The trip to New Zealand was great and too quick! More blog posting accompanied by pictures will *hopefully* be up by the end of the weekend. Happy Halloween everyone!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

This Is the Life

I'm currently sitting in the Admirals Club in LAX drinking free wine and eating free cheese and crackers and cookies, counting down the seconds (well, hours) until I embark for New Zealand. We might even work in some Monopoly Deal! (Don't worry, Amy and Chad, I didn't take your Monopoly Deal, I bought another deck today!) The game plan was to stay awake for the first six or so hours of the flight (which would be until about 6am CST), but that plan may be foiled by the time we're done with free drinks! Oh well, I guess that's what the no jet lag pills from REI are for (ironically, produced in New Zealand). Farrah and I spent the first flight (well, my first and her second) chatting and reading different copies of the same book... Much to the amusement of the guy sitting next to us (though he tried to pretend like he wasn't listening). Anyway, enough rambling, this free wine is calling my name! Adieu, friends!

Oh yeah, and...
(or gig 'em Horns as my Aggie aunt would say)