Thursday, July 29, 2010

Updated Bucket List

I went back and dug out my old bucket list post, and updated it. Two more things checked off in the 8 months I haven't blogged! At that rate, I'll have finished the list in 6 years at the age of 34!

MY Bucket List

A while back I posted a bucket list that someone else had come up with and checked off the things I had done. Here's MY bucket list. I'm sure I'm leaving things off, but here is my bucket list. I stopped with a list of 50 things because I had to stop somewhere.

(X) Visit Mexico
( ) Visit Canada
(X) Visit Africa
(X) Visit Western Europe
( ) Visit Eastern Europe
(X) Visit Australia and New Zealand
( ) Visit Asia
( ) Visit South America
(X) Read the whole Bible
( ) Read Pride & Prejudice
( ) Read Gone with the Wind
(X) Go on a mission trip
( ) Fall in love
( ) Get married
( ) Have (via pregnancy or adoption) kid(s)
(X) See the night sky from somewhere with not too much light pollution (ie Livingstone/Victoria Falls, Zambia)
(X) Go skinny dipping
(X) Go sky diving
(X) Go parasailing
(X) Go snow skiing
(X) Go water skiing
(X) Stay up all night
(X) Go hiking in the mountains
(X) Have at least one friend you can tell anything to
(X) Have at least one lifelong friend
(X) See ancient ruins
(X) Do something you didn't think you could do
( ) Hike the Inca Trail
(X) Visit Chichen Itza
(X) Visit Cinque Terre
(X) Visit Rome
( ) Walk on the Great Wall of China
( ) Take a cruise around the Mediterranean
(X) Take a cruise
(X) Have a girls' trip
(X) Bourbon St
(X) Stand on the star directly beneath the peak of the dome of the Capitol of Texas and talk
(X) Go to a music festival
(X) Put your feet in the Atlantic Ocean
(X) Put your feet in the Pacific Ocean
(X) Go to a small town festival
( ) Work in a non-US country
(X) Go bungee jumping....??
(X) Stay in a hostel
(X) Get your hands dirty to help someone
( ) Grow old with someone
(X) Get out of your comfort zone
( ) Do an olympic distance triathlon
( ) Run 5 miles without walking
( ) Learn more about art
( ) Learn another language

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm baaaack!

Wow! So I bet you never expected to read another post from me! :)

I read an article in The Economist about how the internet is filled with abandoned blogs while people turn their attention to 140 character updates via Twitter or Facebook. I must say, it is a lot easier to post a random one sentence (or better yet, one phrase) update than think out a whole paragraph or two. Not that I would call what I am writing right now (or ever) "thought out".

In recent news, my 10 year high school reunion was this weekend. Crazy! I feel super old now (although my birthday was less than a week before, so I was already feeling that way). But it was really fun! I think it was as fun as a high school reunion could be. I've heard from many an older coworker that at 10 year reunions everyone is trying to impress everyone, and it's not until the 20 year reunion where people chill out and just are who they are. I know occasionally I can be naive and unsuspecting of people's ulterior motives, but I REALLY didn't come away with that feeling from anyone. And I'd have to say, I was pleased by how great all of my former classmates seem to have turned out.

So here's what everyone seems to want to know:

  1. Did anyone go to jail? Not that was at the reunion or discussed at the reunion, but yes, I have heard of at least 1 former classmate who has been to jail.

  2. Who was the most surprising? I'd have to say... no one. Sorry, that's a boring answer. But it's really true.

  3. Was anyone doing anything really impressive? I mean, we probably have more than our fair share of doctors and successful business people. But I hadn't heard of anyone curing cancer. (Are my standards for "impressive" too high?)

  4. What was the most surprising? Probably the number of pregnant people. Yay for sharing drink tickets! ;) Next up, I'd have to say the number of people who either live in Kingwood or want to move there. Dudes, we're 28, not 48. And next I'd probably say the number of people who are all relocating to the same area in Houston (I forgot the name) which seems pretty cool.

It was really fun to see old classmates, especially the ones who I was friends with in earlier years and had lost touch with. It was pretty amazing how easily we picked up conversation after 10+ years! And of course, it's always fun to party with my girls! And Melissa was one hot mama! Literally!