Monday, January 19, 2009


You know what is really annoying? Blogger seems to be really inconsistent about what it considers to be "Small" or "Normal" font. Everytime I go to publish a blog I remember "Okay, last time I published in 'Normal' and the font was ginormous so this time I will be sure to publish in 'Small'." Click Publish Post. View Blog. Oh look at that - It's so small I can't read it! So then I have to go back and highlight the text and change the font size and publish it again. This happens like 50% of the time. Does anyone else have that problem?!


The Boring Runner said...

Yup, it happens to me too sometimes when I want to make it bigger. Luckily, the normal text size is just fine for me!

Bethany said...

y'all are crazy - this never happens to me!

Lisa said...

think you can change the defaults... layout tab > fonts and colors