Sunday, January 11, 2009

Poll Results!

The first poll question of 2009 was: 
"What is your favorite (non-Halloween) holiday to dress up on?"

Your results:
Christmas: 4 votes, 33%
Thanksgiving: 0 votes, 0%
St Patty's Day: 8 votes, 66%
Easter: 0 votes, 0%

With St Patty's Day just a little over 2 months away, I will expect you all to be out with me, wearing shamrock sunglasses, and carrying your own green food coloring bottle!  I must say, St Patty's Day is my favorite dress up holiday.  Period.  Even more so than Halloween (sorry Adam & Amy).  Green IS my favorite color, so it is a lot easier to dress up for than Halloween.  No shopping or prior planning required.  Just pick one of the many green shirts and accessories out of my closet, grab a bottle of green food coloring, and ta-da!  Ready for a night of fun!  Also, it's fun to make friends with random strangers at the bar as you insist upon dying their drink (regular beer, Guiness, rum and coke... it really doesn't matter) a nice shade of festive green.  (Almost as fun as rate-the-guy stickers, but that's another story for another time.)

If you have any suggestions for the next poll, feel free to leave them in a comment!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I have a confession to make.... i might be the only one who voted for Christmas! I know i voted more than once... actually i know i voted more than twice.... but i can't remember if i vote 3 or 4 times.... and all my votes were for christmas! i mean, after our night out, i couldn't resist! Sorry! i promise not to skew anymore poll results!