Monday, February 28, 2011

Updated (again): Bucket List

Okay, so it seems that not posting on my blog very often is good for noticing progress in my Bucket List. Two more down! See if you can find them.

(X) Visit Mexico
( ) Visit Canada
(X) Visit Africa
(X) Visit Western Europe
( ) Visit Eastern Europe
(X) Visit Australia and New Zealand
( ) Visit Asia
( ) Visit South America
(X) Read the whole Bible
(X) Read Pride & Prejudice
( ) Read Gone with the Wind
(X) Go on a mission trip
(X) Fall in love
( ) Get married
( ) Have (via pregnancy or adoption) kid(s)
(X) See the night sky from somewhere with not too much light pollution (ie Livingstone/Victoria Falls, Zambia)
(X) Go skinny dipping
(X) Go sky diving
(X) Go parasailing
(X) Go snow skiing
(X) Go water skiing
(X) Stay up all night
(X) Go hiking in the mountains
(X) Have at least one friend you can tell anything to
(X) Have at least one lifelong friend
(X) See ancient ruins
(X) Do something you didn't think you could do
( ) Hike the Inca Trail
(X) Visit Chichen Itza
(X) Visit Cinque Terre
(X) Visit Rome
( ) Walk on the Great Wall of China
( ) Take a cruise around the Mediterranean
(X) Take a cruise
(X) Have a girls' trip
(X) Bourbon St
(X) Stand on the star directly beneath the peak of the dome of the Capitol of Texas and talk
(X) Go to a music festival
(X) Put your feet in the Atlantic Ocean
(X) Put your feet in the Pacific Ocean
(X) Go to a small town festival
( ) Work in a non-US country
(X) Go bungee jumping....??
(X) Stay in a hostel
(X) Get your hands dirty to help someone
( ) Grow old with someone
(X) Get out of your comfort zone
( ) Do an olympic distance triathlon
( ) Run 5 miles without walking
( ) Learn more about art
( ) Learn another language


EssentialEm said...

AW!!!!!!!!!!!! *LOVE IS IN THE AIR* I love both of your adds (and the little game to find them!).

No! No. You may only call me "Mrs. Darcy"... when you are completely, and perfectly, and incandescently happy.

Then how are you this evening... Mrs. Darcy?

Anonymous said...

Yay! A new blog post...I don't want to take all the credit for inspiring this...but I did just give you a hard time about it : )

Caro said...

Found them! Yay!

Melissa said...

awwwwww ;)