Monday, February 23, 2009

Off the Wagon

So I fell off three wagons... the blogging wagon, the push-up wagon, and the sit-up wagon. I fully intend to get back on all of them now! I got new running shoes yesterday and a Runner's World at the store last week, so today after work I'm going to the gym and:

-Trying out my new shoes
-Trying out my new patella bands
-Getting back on the push-up schedule
-Getting back on the sit-up schedule
-Doing Runner's World recommended exercises to make your running form better and prevent injuries

I am determined to make myself like running. I've been trying for about 3 years with no luck so far. But you know what they say. If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again!


The Boring Runner said...
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The Boring Runner said...

Yay! Runner Tera!!

Hey, as long as you are getting out there that is all that matters! You'll have to keep me posted how your knew knee dealies go. What kind of shoes did you get?

(PS - is anyone else not shocked that I have the first comment on this post?)