Weekend before last, Melissa and I went on a 'retreat' to a resort in the middle of nowhere. It was awesome! It was so nice to get away and not have things to do or places to be. Especially since we're both pretty much always on the go - and she's in the middle of tax season! We laid by the pool, got massages, played tennis, watched Texas lose to Duke (boo!), ate lots of food and even some s'mores, walked around the hotel, read some books and just took it easy! Oh and I about ate my weight in pecans. And did I mention we talked a whoooole lot? Or maybe I talked a lot and Mel listened a lot...

That's us having a drink while watchin some b'ball.
After enjoying ourselves at the resort, we headed back to Austin. Melissa had some work to get caught up on, so while she did that, Matt and I went shooting. Afterwards we enjoyed a great Mexican dinner and Melissa and I about ate our combined weights in chips and salsa. :) More pictures below!

awwwww, so cute! i LOVE that yall still do really fun things together :)
Wow, that looked like a LOT of fun! I still say that I would have paid good money to see you trap shoot.
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