Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Weekend in Review

Again, a week and a half late.

Weekend before last, I went to College Station to visit Bethany. Unfortunately we didn't take any pictures, so there aren't any to post. :(

When I first got to BCS, Bethany was doing a work thing so I went to visit my very pregnant friend Amanda. :) We got to catch up since it had been a while since we'd seen each other, had a great lunch, and I got to see her new house, meet her cat and see her soon to be baby boy's room!

Then I met up with Bethany and we went to see... the one... the only... PAT GREEN! We called Kelli and left a ridiculous message about how both of our first times to see Pat Green were with Kelli. Little known fact, Kelli not only taught us to love Pat, she also taught Lindsay and Bethany some drinking skillz which they in turn taught me... who would have known that now that Kelli is the settled down, stable mommy of the bunch? Mommy to the cutest baby in the world, I might add. :) Anyway, back to Pat. We saw Pat at Chilifest. Now, I remember back to our college years, hearing those Aggie friends of mine talk about the wonder that is Chilifest. Something about teams and tents and matching group t-shirts and, of course, beer. Well the spectacle I imagined in my head was pretty much like the spectacle that Chilifest actually is. The only parts I hadn't imagined was that the stage was quite large (for some reason, I pictured it smaller) and the field was quite open (for some reason, I pictured a lot of trees) and getting beer was quite complicated (first you have to find the beer stand, then they tell you you need tickets, then you have to find the tickets, then you have to buy the tickets, then you have to find the beer... again!). The drunken mess of sunburned college students was as imagined. As were the matching shirts! I felt really OLD. But Pat was playing, so even feeling old, all was well in the world. :)

After Chilifest, we went and hung out at Bethany's house for a while and then met up with my cousin who attends aTm and just turned 21 and just got accepted to vet school! for drinks. It was a fun night and great to catch up with my cuz, of course.

Sunday came and I was planning to leave at noon... however, after lounging around the house, going to Rudy's and then deciding to go shopping... I didn't leave til 3:30. :) You should know that Bethany and I never run on time anyway, so that was pretty much to be expected. It was a very fun weekend!

Who wants to find another Pat concert to road trip to?


The Boring Runner said...

You ARE old......

Oh, and Pat Green sucks :)

Bethany said...

Adam - you are older and Pat green is amazing!

You are losing cool points now! Not man points!