Last weekend, Tim, Megan, Rocky, and I went to San Francisco and also took a side trip to Napa/Sonoma on Friday. We are a great travel group (for each other, I'm sure other people might not like our travel style) because we don't really make plans and just play everything by ear. This is probably especially fun for us because in real life we're all super planny. A great thing about traveling with Tim is that it's like you have your own paparazzi tagging along. I made sure my camera battery was charged before the trip, but I don't think I ended up taking any pictures. Below is a summary of our weekend in pictures, courtesy of Tim. :)
Tera and Tim on the bus to Napa/Sonoma. We had this really annoying bus driver who thought he was funny, but he wasn't.

Tera and Megan at the Napa visitors center.

Tera and Megan at the Madonna winery in Napa. (Winery 1 of 3)

Megan expertly swirling her wine.

Megan, Rocky, and Tera in the Sonoma town square during our lunch break.

Tim, Tera, Megan, and Rocky at the Jacuzzi winery.

Mega, Tim, and Tera at the Jacuzzi winery (winery 2 of 3)

Rocky, Megan, Tera, and Tim at the Jacuzzi winery.

Notice Rocky's hand on his hip in this picture. One of the great things about digital cameras is that you can make fun of people right away if they look goofy in pictures; you don't even have to wait to get the prints back...

So that's what we did...

We love taking family portrait style pictures on our vacations together. This one is at the Viansa winery (winery 3 of 3)

Inside the tent that totally sounded like it was going to blow away.

Another family portrait style picture, where we're all about to blow away

I love this picture
Getting ready in our hotel room to go out to dinner and then meet up with some friends. I had on about 12 layers of clothes (a normal shirt, a wool sweater, and a jacket) because California is colder than one would think.
When you have the opportunity to take a picture like this, you just have to.
Megan and Rocky in front of the Full House house.

Tera, Tim, and Megan in front of the Full House house.

What a fun and relaxing weekend! We had a great time, caught up on sleep, ate a lot of great food (to the point that we thought we were going to explode), and it was great to hang out with old friends! It sounds funny to call "work friends" old friends, but it was four years ago that we worked together. Time flies when you're having fun!
OMG you guys are a bunch of dorks. I LOVE the pictures making fun of Rocky. :)
That looked like a really good time - although, I'm going to have to go in August or something because some of those pictures look crazy cold.
Cool photo. Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again
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