One of the main clients I work with loooooooooves analogies. And she comes up with really good ones too. The funny thing about working for her for almost 4 years is that they start to repeat themselves in totally different contexts (still making a lot of sense though). My absolute favorite of her analogies is relating to what the IT group of my client company actually delivers when compared to what was scoped for a project (woah, did I just totally IT-consultant-nerd-out on you with all those words in one sentence?!). One of the systems that IT built had it's first birthday not too long ago, and my client decided to get them a birthday cake. What she wanted to get them was a box of cake mix, but she decided to be nice instead. The reason being that working with IT and asking them to build you something is like if you went to a bakery and ordered AND PAID FOR this:
And then 7 months after the agreed upon date, what they hand to you over the counter is this:

It's funny cuz it's true.
This is when you laugh and say, thank God I'm not an employee of this place.
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