Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Running in the Dark

I know, I know... I shouldn't run in the dark. (But you also shouldn't run on a stomach full of Swedish Fish and that didn't stop me either.) But last night I got home from work and put my running clothes on and sat down for a second and the sun went down way faster than I expected. And it wasn't totally dark when I headed out. And running in the dark was kinda awesome! I ran by one house that totally smelled like pot; I'm not even kidding! But according to The Economist, 5% of the adult population of the world takes illegal drugs (same percentage as a decade ago btw), and I ran by way more than 20 houses, so really I should have expected to smell more weed, right?


Bethany said...

i love running in the dark! last week i got home late and went running at like 1am... no joke! (don't worry, i told my roommate b4 i left, and took my cell, and... i'm still alive!)

5%???!!! That doesn't seem like much! I mean when you say "adult" population - does that include 18-24 year olds in college... because I would think they bring the % up quite a bit!

The Boring Runner said...

Yeah, but that 5% also includes people who smoke crack. I mean, we...opps, I mean THEY have to bring down the overall % of pot smokers, right?